Thursday, July 27, 2006

Money talks, but it can't sing and dance!

So, here are some points I have been pondering...
1) I would have a kick ass body if I were a few inches taller. I think my dance classes stunted my growth. I have a really short torso.

2) I am really happy that Amy is spending the night tonight. I already bought my bottle of vodka and queued up some traxxx to have a dance party to. We decided that we are going to have some riotgrrl fun and make mayhem and be destructo. Wheee!

3) Ezra and I got into an lover's quarrel the other night. Repeat: my boyfriend loves me and is not against me, I do not have to have 35oo barriers up to protect myself from being trampled on. He is on my side. He does not play games with me to make me think that he is being distant. My mind is the one that plays mind games on my mind (uh, what?).

4) I want to have a kid. Bad. Is it because I'm 25 and my clock is ticking? Is it because I got a doggy and I like being a mom? I dunno. Freaky as fuck though.

5) My hair is approx. 60-70% grey. Not that this bothers me a whole lot (thank christ for hair dye), but I'm aweful young for this to be going down. My parents were well into their thirties when they went grey. Curse you cruel world for forcin' me to bear these burdens!!

6) Strangers with Candy movie was sweet. Damn sweet.

That's all I got for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be your baby. You can spank me when i am naughty. And don't forget about my breatfeedings. -Lisa