Thursday, August 31, 2006

Look at me, here I am, right where I belong.

Hola boys and girls! Como estan?

Well, school has reared it's uggo head and It's time for an old fashioned freak out by none other than Theresa Elizabeth Wolff! As you all know I do love me some learnin', but knowledge does come at a price. That price is nothing less than actual money, for I have to cut my work hours down. Now, I'm sure ya'll think this should be a fairly painless procedure, but as Bugs Bunny would say, "He don't know me very well, do he?". I have worked 40ish hours for the last 6 years of my life and it ain't an easy task cuttin' that down, even if it is by only about 8 hours. I rely on that money and love saving. This caused a very turmoiled brain. Thank heavens for Ezra, and after hours of coaxing, he convinced me to let him pay my half of rent for the time being. I will owe him when I have a career and he is able to take some time off to write his children's book. Granted, that will be in around five or so years if we are still together. But I really have a good feeling that we will be. I know EVERYONE feels that they will be together forever and ever, but I don't feel like forever is necessarily the correct word or even possible. I do, however, feel that Ezra and I are a very good match and I really, REALLY, love him. He makes me happy. Genuinely happy. All of the time. Yes, he is stupid and talks about my moustache too much on the wrong day, but daggone it, that shit doesn't matter. He doesn't have to fawn over me like previous boyfriends to prove that he loves me. He doesn't have to buy me stuff to prove I'm the one he wants to be with. It's a common knowledge between the two of us, and that, my friends is something I have never experienced before. Never mind the fact that we are WILDLY attracted to each other. Especially now that he has a ducktail and a handlebar moustache. Turnin' me on left and right, that boy is.

ANYWHO, I know not everyone wants to hear about my sex life (email me privately and I will give details!), so here is the rest of my existance as of late...

I hate my job, the boss that took my place sucks a fuck.
I still need some girlfriends.
Living with three boys means that the house is ALWAYS messy and smelly, cats I can handle, boys are gross as all get out.
My dog brings me more joy than I care to mention and I am certifiably obsessed with her.
I sent my transcripts to San Antonio and I am one step closer to escaping the midwest.
Good shows are coming up, the question now is will anyone actually go with me to any of them.
Ezra got us an iPOD and I dig the fuck out of it.
Salsa party is tomarrow!

Well my fateful friends, I must be going...Life awaits.

P.S. My title is from the movie Muppets Take Manhatten if you didn't know, now go watch it bitches!

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