Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm convinced I have been hexed. Someone out there wants to ruin my life and let me tell you they are succeeding. Make long stories short, some fuck-up of a counsler at UTSA steered me in the wrong direction and not only was I wasting my precious time, I am out of approx. 1500 dollars in financial aid money. Like I used it for no reason and am getting no learning or refund cashola out of it. FUCK YOU LADY. AND to top it all off, I have a hundred more years of school to finish before I am ever out of here. The good news is that Ezra is going to be a good man (like he always is) and support the fuck out of me while I take 15-18 credit hours for the next year and a half so that I can finish school. He is my saving grace and I love him to no end. BUT I am still hexed. My life is poisened. But instead of dwelling on it, I'm going to accept the setback and move on. Well, I'm at school and some freak is staring at me so I have to get off of here. It's hard for me to write a lot because I can't write when others are in the area. I'm weird like that.

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