I have a bum toe. While intoxicated Saturday night, Ezra tried to show me some of his "moves" from the martial arts he takes and proceeded to bend my third toenail all the way back. It is literally at a 90 degree angle. I was extremely babalooey, as my manager says (it means drunk) and locked myself in the bathroom and cried while Ezra was on the other side begging for my forgiveness. I wasn't even mad, I'm used to love inflicted pain, just really sloppy. Since we have begun dating, Ezra has succeeded in giving me a partial concussion by making me fall backwards on concrete, poked me in the eye with a pencil, and now broke my toenail, making it impossible to get a pedicure. Thanks dude, I love you too. He doesn't mean to do it, he is just a little rough and I'm a lot klutzy. Whateves. That's really all that's new in my life. I'm just waiting for the Halloween mayhem to commence. Today is Oct. 1st after all.
To celebrate, hereeeee's Hatchie!

She's adorable, I know this. I'm obsessed with her.
In other news, I have been buying WAY too much stuff lately. New Marc Jacobs perfume, Daisy, and it smells sooo freaking good. A new digital camera since I was using Ezra's ancient one, a gaggle of reads from amazon, and some shit from urban outfitters. I'm a bad, bad buyer. I love buying things. I love Marc Jacobs. I love reads, I love Urbo. I have had too much coffee. I am losing my mind from studying. I had a Chemistry test today and I'm nervous about it. I don't feel confident. Because of that (isn't it wrong to start a sentence with because?) I may buy some more things today. I need to focus.
Argh. Back to hitting the books. I have a lab and lecture test on thursday and life sucks. I need a massage.
ahhh retail therapy!!! I fell in love with a Michael Kors coat at TJ Maxx and have been trying to find it again at different stores in my size. It's still way too much, but I looooove it =p
Boys are all thumbs. Never let them show you their "moves".
ohh oh www.bookmooch.com is awesome. free book swap. I'm getting rid of my old books cluttering up my closet and having them replaced with new books if my interest!
i got a new bloggity blog- www.dayofthewanderer.blogspot.com
See you next week!
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. lina holzbauer
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