1. My car got sideswiped by some drunk Mexican whilst I was at work. This happened right before Xmas and I had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. That is over and fixed and long gone.
2. My purse and gym bag got stolen from my fucking house, but I got all my shit back minus 20 bucks and a Barnes and Noble gift card. The rest of my shit was found in the park.
3. While having an amazing time dancing to 60s and 70s soul at the Beauty Bar, my car got broken into. My shitty book of burnt cds was stolen as was my school bag and gym bag (again). It fucking sucked. I couldn't even cry. But, as to every shitty thing that happens to me, it turned out to be not so shitty. I got a call from my gym who got a call from a recycling center close to the place where my bag was stolen saying the bag was dropped off in front of their facility and they have my stuff! Turns out all that was stolen was a book of cds that were mostly Ezra's and my pencil case. My life is too weird.
Everything else is going ok, weird, but ok. The new puppy is amazing. Now I gots ta go look for a better jobby job.

yikes, getting your house broken into is scary =(
Are those puggles?
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