Monday, July 17, 2006

Daddy Gasolina

Oh sweet jesus I am bored as fuck. I really should be studying, but I am having too much fun screaming out things about cock to my roomates.

So I feel really bad about something. Yeah, all that shit that happened with Rob is crappy and now he is going to be part owner of Hooligans b/c the old owner sold it. I feel bad for Ezra b/c he put so much time into that place, and he could have had the chance to have ownership. Now he can't because of me. Granted, we probably wouldn't be together for much longer if he did own a shop (I desperately want to move, and refuse to stick around here for anything/one), but it is a shitty situation that I DO NOT want him to resent me for. Which he doesn't. I'm just an apologetic fool. I always feel bad for shit I can't control.

My life is really crazy right now. Does anyone else ever feel like they can't get a grasp on their own life. I just can't get on top of things no matter how hard I try. I'm like the sweet donkey that has a carrot tied to her head on a stick and she just keeps walkin towards it, hoping she can grab that shit. I can't. My money is out of control, school is out of control, work is out of control. It just sucks. I'm like those dubbed movies that have the lines being said a second after the mouth moves. Alright, alright, enough with the analogies already, you get it I'm sure. The only thing now uber crazy right now is Ezra. Yes Amy Kempe, I know how sick of hearing about the great Ezra you are, but seriously, he keeps me grounded. Through Greg dying, school being crazy and everything, he has been right there, unfaltering support giver that he is. Amazing. It makes me realize that all the stupid shit that he does daily (oh trust me, it is a lot), he deserves getting the best treatment a gal can give her guy. Back rubs and road head galore. Heehee. I'll even buy him some chicken patties and maybe even cook them up for him. Maybe.

Enough with the sappy shit. I'm done being a cheese ball. It is now time to shower (after 3 days) commense doin' the deed.


Anonymous said...

Say it with me "Serenity Now"...-Lisa

Anonymous said...

Please don't give any more "sexy" details on your blog!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.