So Thursday was, as well, the best day ever. It started off with the finale of midterm week, thank Christ, and Ezra picking me up from class. We proceeded to go fuck our brains out because it has been an utterly long time (yeast, cold, bloody drawers), and decided to go to the movies with Angie. It was four o'clock and we had some time to kill before the movie, so we decided to do some well deserved daytime drinkin'. Well flashforeward to midnight when we were still at the bar. 8 motherfuckin hours at the bar. We were joined by Karen and Ryan and it was a grand time. Angie and I spend approximately 35 dollars in the jukebox and played the same songs over and over and over. Sam Cooke has never been played so much in his life. We slow danced to Otis Redding and had the most heartfelt conversations and bonded like we haven't in so long. It feels so good to have that girl here. I love her so much and can't wait to go visit her soon. She makes me happy and not utterly miserable like I usually am. Angie, Ryan, Ezra, and I make a good foursome (shut up sickos) and I am looking foreward to many happy times with them.
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