Well, my sweetie pie left today for Austin. It's bittersweet. Bitter, obviously because I will be without my best friend for six days, and considering the fact that he's pretty much the only person I can stand, that relatively sucks. Sweet, because I get to do whatever the fuck I want to without comprimising anything. Sooo, I'm going out to eat with Rob on Thursday, watching America's Next Top Model on Wednesday, and going dancing on Friday. AND having a sleepover with Amy on Saturday doing girly stuff. Fun packed weekend galore! Even after all that fun, I will still be mondo happy when I pick Ezra up from the airport Monday morning. I know it's hormones and chemicals that take the romance out of love, but daggone it, that oxytocin sure does feel good while it lasts. It's difficult being away from someone that you see everyday of your life. It's cool though, the time apart does a body good. Then I am the one to leave 3 days after he gets back. I am super excited to spend time with the guys and gals in good ole' WestChester. I have soo much fun when I am there. And Target has coconuts again!!!! Do I see a repeat of last years shananigans (sp?)??? My sources point to yes!!!
My depression has let up a great deal since last week. Last week was a killer.

I also can't wait to rock out at the plethura of show that are coming. After a dry winter, an abundance of good rockin opportunities are a comin my way!!! I am going to make a valid attempt at posting all of these shows I will be attending on my myspace page, so as soon as I get that damn free times in front of me, I will do so!
I need to vent real quick...Erica has been eating Vicoden like crazy and sort of bragging about it in front of me. Not really bragging, I guess, but talking about it alot and shit. She knows perfectly well about my history with this horrible drug, but continues to let me know how much she is doing it. Greg didn't make a downhill slide with nothing to blame for it. Vicoden led to him killing himself amongst other things that happened to him. He stole all of my money because of it for chrissakes. I really don't think that talking about this shit constantly is appropriate to do in front of someone whose life got ruined by it. Correct me if I'm wrong I guess. People are just genuine assholes and have no idea when to shut up about things. Angie did the same thing the other day with the Adderol. I know it's a different category, but I never want to do pills again. Not fuckin worth it. End transmission
1 comment:
Here are a few things that I have to say about that:
1) Why would I brag about eating Vicoden? Thats so lame...I'm not 14 years old or some shit. Neither was I talking about it alot, it was like "yeah thats what I did last night"...
2) I was not eating it like crazy, I ate it like twice in 2 weeks,so lets not exaggerate here or anything.
3) I certainly would have NO idea that it bothered you that much. If I knew then I would never have told you.
4) Of course I knew that Greg took pills, but I don't know the whole story behind anything that happened with u and Greg because we never talked about that kind of stuff. Of course I was NOT trying to re-surface any bad memories that you have about pills.
5) Finally, I guess this whole blog helps you but next time you need to "vent" just tell me whats pissing you off so it doesn't turn into bullshit, you know we still have to live AND work together!!
6) Again I'm really sorry if it bothered you, I know I've never had to deal with anything as bad as what happened to you. I really had no idea,alrighty?-Eri
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