Oh last night really WAS all it's cracked up to be!!! Everyone (well almost) that I love was there with me and it was ubsurdly fun. We got picked up at Hooligan's by Ryan and Angie and when we got to Screwie Louie's, we were whisked away to a magical land called backstage, where the Redbull Vodka and Miller Lite were a-flowin'. Then we all connected with the lovely members of Backwoods Payback, whom I love dearly, and proceeded to wreck massive havok with silly string and glow necklaces. It was an amazing night and it made this overwhelmingly shitty week that consisted of midterms and stolen credit cards all worth while. Now I am sitting in my room watching Futurama and feeling like massive shit. Diarreah is flowing like wine and I am really not wanting to go to work today. So I worked some shit out with Kim to go in later if she can go in later next Saturday because she wants to go to the strip club or sumthin. Whatever. Anywho, I had so much fun causing trouble, and hanging out with my friends. I am the luckiest girl in the world. OMG I totally forgot to write about the other day...Hold on, I'll start a new post
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