So this about sums up my feelings about the Bahama cruise. Fuck the world. JK. No, I kind of like this picture because I just look like Al Bundy. This is really how I feel today cuz I just got home from work and am super tired and feel defeated by the devil customers at the Mustard Seed. I can't wait for Indie Dance Nite tomarrow because I will be with my girls dancin my ass off, and then I will go sneak in Ezra's bed and smooch him all over. Golly, I missed that boy while he was away. He makes me a happy little clam. He also makes my clam happy if you know what I'm saying...nudge nudge. Damn I'm horney. This is the longest it's been since we have not had sex in the 5 monthes we have been dating. I'm feeling the burn. Tomarrow my celibate streak is over and it's back to hot monkey love all over everything. Oh mooshie, how i've missed you.
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