I love my boyfriend. He is a fuckin champ. It feels really good to have a semi-normal relationship with a guy. When Ezra first started pursuing me (or stalking, whatever), I was like yeah the fuck right. Then like a strange new species of fungi, he grew on me and I fell for him. I was real nervous at first, cuz of the shit with Greg and his ex, but slowly we developed a wonderful relationship. I believe that we are very good with each other. We have distance, yet closeness. He has helped me through the hardest time of my life, and no matter what happens between us, I will never forget that. He is the most levelheaded person I have ever been with, and it is refreshing. I love him a lot and anticipate spending a good amount of time with him in the future.
My day was pretty good today. Work went fast and my studying is going pretty well. I really miss hanging out with my friends. Amy, Angie, and Aud. This whole distance thing is not working out for me and I am pissed. Tahli too. I want to party hard and there is no one worth partying with. I hope to continue to spend time with Karen, but we have conflicting schedules, and it never works right when we wanna hang out. Hopefully when she turns 21 we will be able to spend more time together.
Oh cruel world, why do things never work out in the way I want them to. On a lighter note, I got my Arrested Development

DVD and when I am done watching my other bazillion series that I need to watch, that one will be next.
Man, that is one fugly face I am making in that picture. I think Ezra is trying to attempt to be contemplating something smart. Really not working out for him...
P.S. I realized that Ezra is really smart and it is a shame that he is a tattoo artist because he could really be anything he wanted to be. Smart cookie, that boy...