Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hot Damn Hoe Here We Go Again

Here I am looking mighty shifty eyed. I'm actually just bored in my car on my lunch break from work and decided to be a little sassy.

Well, I fell down the stairs again today. This clutziness has really been posing a problem for me as of late. I really need to start taking care of myself, for I am getting up there in years.

I got new specs on Sunday and I must say I do look fabu in them. They are a light tortise (sp??) shell in a cat eye shape with some periwinkle accents on the tips. I love my glasses and want to have a bazillion some day.

Enough being shallow, I must be going to be studious in my glasses.

Math is one of the many banes of my existance, good thing I have the O.C. to help me along. Oh Seth Cohen, how I love your wit and cuteness. Posted by Picasa

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