Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love ta Love ta Love ya

This is my favorite picture of Ezra and I thus far. Even though he is making a pouty face, I look so happy because that is what he makes me feel like. The way that I fell for Ezra is a novella in itself, it was weird and unwanted, but now I do not know what I would do if he was not in my life. I've known him for years and NEVER thought of him in this way. He would not give up and I am glad of that.

Anywho, it's V-day, whoopdi do. I really do not care about today, it means nothing to me. Romance wise at least. I use this day to let my friends and family know how much I love and appreciate them. I already talked to Angie (I will be seeing her soon OMG!!!!), and I will text everyone on my important list a little later. As for my boo, I don't care to let him know that I love him today. He already knows and doesn't need some el stupido bear or candy to make him feel special. Nor do I.

On a darker note, I really hate my hair right now. I am trying to grow my hair out, and it's in a horrible place right now. It takes all my might not to cut my bangs everyday. ARRRGGG. Posted by Picasa

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