Monday, September 25, 2006

It's that time again!

Hello my fellow spookers and spookettes, the great big dial of Mama Nature has spun around again and now all is right with the world...aka it's Fall! I'll have to ask Lisa how fall is in Texas, b/c I don't kow if I'll be able to live without the wonder that it holds for me. Halloween is my lifesblood and I dig it more than you could ever know. I'm a sucker as soon as they put that shit out in the stores, I buy it all. I'm really excited for our party and it's going to be rockin and frightenin' all the night through.

You know when you haven't had sex for like a week for various reasons (this time being Ezra's massivly sick) and when you finally do it is crazy awesome and it's like both of you can't wait to touch the other and you both come really fast and it's a blur of bodies and juices? Yeah, that rules. It's one of my top reasons for living. Happened last night. Sorry.

So Aud (my bff who lives in Vegas) came for a two week stay and it wasn't so good for our friendship. She was mad at me, unjustly, for I have so much workload right now it's not even funny (even though as we speak, I'm supposed to be in Spanish class, but I had massive diarreah and couldn't get off the toilet in time) and I couldn't spend a lot of time with her. That really blows cuz she took it personal and it is bullshit. Angie is the same way when she comes. Neither of them can fathom the concept of school and exactly how much work is involved. Aud has no desire to have a career and Angie doesn't even work because she has a quasi-famous boyfriend to take care of her every want and need. I don't have that. I have goals and dreams and don't want anyone to take care of me ever. I'm stubborn like that yo.

Anywho, I'm still a lonesome cowgirl, with no other cowgirls to wrangle with. It sucks, but at least I have Ezra to entertain me. P.S. it's not the same :(

Here's some advice:

Don't buy a dehydrator at a thrift store. I tried to dehydrate strawberries and all I got was fruit flys.

Buy the vegan creamer PACKETS from veganessentials (this one's for you Jen) they are good for travel coffee and good for me cuz I can't drink coffee without creamer and non-dairy creamer has milk in it. Go figure.

Don't be the best thing ever for Halloween last year (like I did) cuz this year you will not be able to live up to it. I was thinking I'd be a bearded lady. Stupid.

Don't live with 4 cats. The litter has to be changed every day. No joke.

That's all. Love ya's!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Halloween stuff is being put out! What can I be this year that will top last? Nothing's going on, just thought I would put that out there.